At Northwest Turf Solutions, Inc. we strive to sell only the highest level of quality products. This is why we have been chosen as the exclusive distributor in Western Washington of Desert Green Turf, Inc. They offer a variety of no-net sod blends, all grown on a 98% sand base plot. If you want top quality sod from a company that cares, you will join the many turf and landscape professionals that have chosen Desert Green Turf, Inc. for all their sod and turf needs.
Our Hawk Blend sod is 90% Perennial Ryegrass and 10% Kentucky Bluegrass. It has proven to be extremely durable in some of the most difficult sports turf conditions. Hawk Blend is dark green in color and very resilient to disease and insects. This blend is great for sports turf, golf and home lawns,
RTF® is the only Tall Fescue with True Rhizomes. Rhizomes help the RTF quickly fill in damaged and bare spots in your lawn with new shoots of grass. This results in less over-seeding, fewer weed problems and no wide-leafed ugly clumps of grass like other tall fescues can form. RTF's extensive root system has the ability to draw moisture from a deep soil profile, which helps it use less water and makes it adaptable in a wide range of soils. It has excellent heat and drought tolerance with less irrigation.
Perennial Ryegrass can make a good turf due to its good wear resistance when grown in the right locations. It is used on lawns and on sports fields and golf courses. In the situation with sports fields, ryegrass seed blends contain Kentucky Bluegrass so the damaged areas becomes self-healing.
Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass or RPR is a creeping Perennial Ryegrass variety that stands up to heavy traffic while keeping its good looks. RPRs regenerating ability is what sets it apart from traditional ryegrass varieties. RPR develops determinate-stolons, which allow it to self-repair, making it ideal for sport fields and home lawns with heavy traffic.
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